Alias is already in use

Why is this happening?

In a recent feature release we stopped the system from allowing page urls to be created that already belonged to an App. Learn more about Apps.

For example, the App called Blog in the OpenScholar platform automatically has the url extension of “/blog” or using this documentation site as an example, it would be “” regardless if that App is being used on a site. In the past, the platform would allow you to create a page with the name Blog and it would give it the url of “/blog” meaning that technically there would be 2 “/blog” pages available on your site which is why we fixed this problem in the platform.

How it can be fixed?

To fix this, you just need to change the url of the page. NOTE: You do not have to change the page name.

  1. Edit the page by going to the large grey gear on the page (not the small grey gear) and select editlarge edit widget
  2. On the right hand side of the page, select the URL path settings optionurl path setting
  3. Untoggle the "Generate automatic URL alias" 
  4. Enter in a new url. Using the example from above, you could change the word "blog" to "department-blog" or some other variation

Redirecting the old URL to the new URL

For directions on setting up a redirect from one page on your site to another page on your site please read the site redirects section of the Site Settings page. NOTE: You must be a site Administrator to access the Site Settings area of your site. 

URLs that would be impacted if in use:
  • /biocv - points to the Bio/CV App
  • /blog - points to the Blog App
  • /calendar - points to the Events App
  • /classes - points to the Classes App
  • /courses - points to the Harvard Courses App
  • /data - points to the Dataverse App
  • /documents - points to the Booklets App
  • /faq - points to the FAQ App
  • /features - points to features page
  • /galleries - points to the Media Gallery App
  • /links - points to the Links App
  • /news - points to the News App
  • /people - points to the Profiles App
  • /presentations - points to the Presentations App
  • /publications - points to the Publications App
  • /reader - points to the Reader App
  • /registration - used in the Events App for sign-ups
  • /software - points to the Software App