Event and Conference Site Structure

The Event/Conference site structure is designed to cover the most common elements that are central to any larger event, but you can easily edit the menu and pages if they do not fit your needs. Choosing the Event/Conference site preset will pre-populate your website with these menu links and pages: HOMEProgram, Speakers, Register, Logistics, About.


event site structure

Using the Event/Conference site structure

Below are tips and examples of the kinds of content to consider including in each section. 

1. Program

Purpose: To describe the programming for your event. There is also a sub-page for a separate schedule.
Examples: Session descriptions, an hour-by-hour breakdown of the event schedule. 

2. Speakers

Purpose: To highlight the presenters at your event. This section uses the people app to display profiles that can contain a bio and image.

3. Register

Purpose: To provide a place for event registration. You could create an event post and set the event to require registration all within your OpenScholar site.  

Additionally, you could opt not to use the features of OpenScholar's Events App and instead embed a Google Form or link off to other event registration options. 

4. Logistics

Purpose: The logistical details that your event attendees will need.
Examples: Directions, maps, parking, accommodations. 

5. About

Purpose: To provide an overview, history, or other background information about your event.

Updated: 4May23