Event Registration

Take a short few minutes to watch this video for the quickest way to become familiar with the events app on OpenScholar.

For more information, you can read the written documentation below.


Enabling Registration Sign-Ups for an Event

You can allow your site visitors to sign-up for your event by enabling "Signup" when creating your event post. Check out the different setting options when using the Signup feature. 

Admin View
event signup
Site Visitor View

event signup
The form below is what your users will see and use to submit their information.


After they submit their information, OpenScholar sends users a confirmation email for successfully registering. The "sender" of this confirmation email is the person who created the event post. 

Repeating Events Registration

You can allow your site visitors to sign-up for your event by enabling "Signup" and "Allow a user to sign up for multiple occurrences" when creating your repeating event post.


When setting your event to be repeating, your site visitors will have the option to sign up for the event AND/OR be able to opt to see other dates that this event is taking place by selecting the "(another date?)" link. 


another date

As an administrator of your site, you have the power to change the settings of individual posts of the repeating event series from any of these posts. See examples below: 

change default

date change

Learn more about Repeating Events!

Sign-Up Features

Managing Registrations

You can view registrations for Events by clicking on Manage Registrations on any events with registrations.
manage registrations


This page will list all participants and their information.


You can also set a limit to the amount of registrations you receive, opt to send a reminder to participants nearing the upcoming event, or automatically open and close registrations. This can be done in the Settings section of Manage Registrations.

set capacity

Email Registrants

In OpenScholar you also have the ability to send out emails to participants as a whole letting them know of any updates regarding that event.

email registrants

Special Features

Any event that requires sign-ups will display the link to register.

Sign-up link

In teaser view:

registration message

If an event is full, the message below will appear:

Event is full message

In teaser view:

There is also the functionality that allows the administrators of the site to export an excel spreadsheet displaying registrant information for that event.

Updated: 19Apr18