Lab and Research Group Site Structure

The Lab and Research Group structure combines elements of an academic site and a personal faculty site to accommodate the most common kinds of information found on lab or research group websites. The structure is intended to be flexible, so your site may not need all of these categories. Choosing the Lab and Research Group preset will pre-populate your website with these menu links and pages: HOMEResearch, Publications, People, Resources, News & Events, About


lab research group structure

Using the Lab site structure

Below are tips and examples of the kinds of content to consider including in each section. 


Purpose: To highlight the latest research happening in your group or lab.
Examples: Highlights of faculty research, overviews of your department’s main research areas, publications, news related to research, cross-University collaborations, and research initiatives or partnerships.


Purpose: To highlight the publications produced by your lab or research group.


Purpose: To highlight the faculty, researchers, and staff associated with the lab or research group.


Purpose: To highlight resources and facilities that will be of interest or useful to your visitors.
Examples: Information about facilities such as labs or specialized equipment, technology, libraries, data resources, forms, information about training or procedures (e.g. lab safety).

News & Events

Purpose: To showcase what’s happening now in your department, announcements, and upcoming events.


Purpose: To provide background about your organization and logistical information
Examples: Mission statement, letter/welcome from a director/faculty member, general contact information, directions, job opportunities, history, partnerships or sponsorships.

Additional Category Suggestion: Lead Faculty

Purpose: Designed for faculty members that also use their lab or research group site as a personal site. This is not a default section that will be pre-populated on your website, but if you need to call attention to the principal investigator/faculty member that leads the research group, you could add a page for that faculty member, to help them stand out from the rest of the people listings. The actual name of this section should be the name of the lead faculty member (i.e. Prof. John Smith).

Updated: 4May23