Finding Images for Your Website

Creative Commons Images

Images that use Creative Commons licensing have less restrictive copyrights. Creators often clear their images for use by others, provided that the image is correctly attributed. Images that use Creative Commons licenses can often be found on FlickrWikimedia Commons, and through Google searches. There are a variety of Creative Commons licenses, some with more restrictions than others. Be sure to adhere to the guidelines for the particular image you choose.

General Stock Photo Sources

Whenever possible, use images that are specific to your department and Harvard. If you cannot otherwise find or produce suitable images, there are numerous stock photo options available. Listed below are some of the more popular, affordable options. When choosing a stock image, always choose high-quality images that will truly help communicate your message. Avoid images that are distracting, as well as images that look staged or generic.

Specialty Stock Photo Sources

  • Corbis Images: documentary photography including travel, world culture, nature, technology, science, fine art, archival images, as well as general stock images
  • Getty Images: photos from U.S. and world news events, as well as general stock images
  • Science Source: physical, life and natural sciences, biomedical photography and illustrations

Updated: 11Jan18