Content Apps and Widgets

In addition to pages, OpenScholar provides numerous apps and widgets that will create a visually appealing display for a specific kind of content, such as a publication or a faculty profile. Many of the these components provide additional functionality. 

Basic Page App
The Basic Page app offers the ability to post miscellaneous web pages of your choice, like a "blank canvas".

Blog App
Create blog entries on your site.

Booklet App
A set of pages tied together in a hierarchical sequence. 

Classes App
Create and manage information on classes taught or otherwise relevant.

Custom text/html widget
A flexible design element that you can customize as you like. Create a custom block that can include images, text, HTML, and video, and add it to any page.

Dataverse App
Showcase a dataverse site as a section on your OpenScholar site

Embed media widget
Display embedded rich media such as files, videos, images, and more

Events App
Post and manage events, including registration

Create a section of frequently asked questions

Links App
A helpful way of displaying collections of links, including tagging functionality

More Like This widget
Allows users to display a list of links to related content.

News App– articles
Post news stories to your site

News App – import with RSS
Incorporate news stories from another website into your news section

People Profiles App
Maintain a directory of people for your department such as faculty and staff, with robust profiles

Presentations App
Post and manage presentations

Publications App
Display all types of academic publications

Random widget
Randomly display one of the widgets added in every page refresh

Reader widget
Allows dynamic RSS (Rich Site Summary) feeds on your site

RSS Feed App
Pull RSS feeds into your site

Section Navigation widget
Shows subpages within a page (section)

Software App
Post and manage information about software development projects

App URLs

You may want to create a link to the OpenScholar default App URL, such as for People or News. Here is a list of the URLs that are available on your site when your enable an App:

  • /blog - points to the Blog App
  • /calendar - points to the Events App
  • /classes - points to the Classes App
  • /data - points to the Dataverse App
  • /documents - points to the Booklets App
  • /faq - points to the FAQ App
  • /galleries - points to the Media Gallery App
  • /links - points to the Links App
  • /news - points to the News App
  • /people - points to the Profiles App
  • /presentations - points to the Presentations App
  • /publications - points to the Publications App
  • /reader - points to the Reader App
  • /software - points to the Software App

Updated: 22Oct18